Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Displaying More than 500 results from IEEE Xplore

It is possible to have more than 500 records in search results at IEEEXplore. But using the IEEEXplore 'Organize Results' settings one can view 500 records at max. In order to view the records beyond 500 one needs to change the following fields in the query string (which is a part of the URL):

1. maxdoc
2. page
3. ResultStart

For example you have 1000 records in total and you want to view the results from 501 to 600 (if you display 100 records per page) then these fields will be set as follows:


The URL will look almost like this: ever..&ResultCount=100&maxdoc=1000&..many parameters..&page=5&ResultStart=500&..other parameters..


only change the URL of the first page of the results. change the 'maxdoc' field and set it to the maximum records retrieved in your search.

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