Monday, December 8, 2008

A message of tolerance to MQM

THIS is apropos of your editorial, ‘Bloodshed once more’ (Dec 2). While expressing concern about the violence in Karachi, you have correctly observed that the MQM chief Altaf Hussain’s warnings about the possible Talibanisation of this city wasn’t the right thing to do.

Also, that, undoubtedly, one of the reasons behind his warnings could be the migration to Karachi of a large number of refugees from Fata. You are also right in noting that there is no evidence that all of them are arriving here or that none of them intends to return home after things return to normality.

Perhaps this is the reason for the concern of the MQM leadership. Actually they do not want the demographic balance to shift to their disadvantage. However, they are reminded that some among them and all their elders had come to Sindh as migrants from India, a large part of the city’s populace, including my family, are ‘muhajirs’ in this sense.

Therefore, if our unfortunate brethren from a battle zone of their own country wish to find shelter with their relatives, friends or acquaintances settled in another part of the country, it is not proper for us to object to that.

Emerson had said: “It is a beautiful compensation of life that we cannot help another without being helped ourselves”. Hence, whichever way one looks at it, ultimately it will be to our own advantage (if one must view it in business terms) to help these uprooted, destitute and desperate folks, many of whom have lost their family members and relatives.

Such a selfness and humane approach will definitely increase the goodwill and tolerance between communities and lead to peace and prosperity for the city, province and country. If we can tolerate millions of folks from Bangladesh, Afgahnistan, Burma and other places, why must we turn Pakistanis away?

DAWN - Letters; December 07, 2008
Blogged with the Flock Browser


Anonymous said...

Dear Writer
by blaming everything on MQM is not right.
You people the Anti MQM and Anti Mohajirs should know that riots in karachi were against Mohajirs not against pakhtoons and in those riots even mohajir women were tortured and raped by qatil pathans.
Here is the video evidence.
Secondly why these pathans are not going to punjab as they are not welcomed there.

You people ever think where these people coming from NWFP living ??
They are grabing land of mohajirs encroaching them and involve in crimes to fulfill their daily needs.
These pathans are always involved in drug land and arms mafia in karachi so how would they be welcome ?

Anonymous said...

correctly said by An Anonymous. Muhammad Khan was a core person responsible for riots he lives in orangi town and encroched the land of Orangi town at very large scale. top leadership of MQM has restrain the boys of MQM from any action otherwise condition will be different, this is a bold step by MQM for peace.

there are lot of people in Sher Pao Coloney Landhi are now doing a business of Sale (only Sale) of encroached plot.

ZAR said...

Anonymous who commented first,

This post has not blamed MQM at any point for generating riots. It has just wanted MQM to show tolerance as a big brother. MQM is in power in Khi for so long, it is their responsibility to keep peace in the region.

I think, if a person is doing some illegal business, then he should be handled by the law enforcement agencies and not by some armed people of a certain group. The Khi govt. should try to develop a system where rule of law prevails. MQM shld try to bring Khi out of hate politics. They shld also try to make Khi an arm free city.